
Showing posts from August, 2010
Had his dad put a name that starts with ‘J’ to him, he could have been a much successful person. Yes, I am about the relationship of his life with J. One day I was just thinking, why he was stranded in the jungles of Jharkhand. Then one spark has lightened my brain which pointed out the beginning of Jharkhand. Its Jay (J) but ironically there is no Joy in ‘J’harkhand. Then my thoughts were surrounded by all the words that start with J. First and the foremost that come to my mind is Jamshedpur, which has turned his life upside down.   A simple guy with above average intelligence and excelling in none of the fields, but a ‘J’ack in all trades, having lots of inferiority complex, does what mama says in home, having no individuality and so on so forth, has got all the pressure from all the sides when he got a rank got admission in NIT JAMSHEDPUR. If luck brings him the rank and admission then how come he is culpable? All are expecting him to keep the success go on, but how will this “...
Interest makes you to learn something about it, Urge to make livelihood makes you to learn something about it, Society teaches you something people and way of living, Family and friends teaches you something about culture and tradition. But there is something else to learn about the things for which you are living. The above sentence is not as simple as it seems to be. I myself took 23 years to rise this question and dont know after how many years ill get the answer. But still with considerable optimism i am glad that at least i have got the question and sooner or later ill get the answer too. My life has gone through 21 years of rigorous studies which was completely bookish. Moreover the decision to take which stream and the target of my excellence were also predefined. So i had nothing to tickle the grey cells. I was just a robot to grasp the things in the book and vomit the same in the exam. In this process i learnt nothing. Rather i memorized everything. Later on, after stepping ...