Well, hope everything will be well in this world. As said by a well known poet world is not just topological land, world are the people living on it. In depth, world will be well only if people are well. So how can we make this world well? This question has lasted from the days of beginning of civilization of earth to the till date. Even great scholars like Gautam Budha, Vardhaman Mahavira or our Gandhi have sacrificed their lives to know the answers. A common principle in all of them is giving up the desires which are reflected by their simple life. Initially when I read the line I was very much attracted to it. But later on, when I thought of implementing, it left me lots of question in my mind. So if any of you can give me a proper clarity to my confusion Iam humbly obliged to them.

Firstly the point that giving up desires is an inbuilt desire that we WANT to leave the desires. This has stopped me to think further in the starting itself. This point is violating itself. Even if we condone the initial hurdle and move on, another point that stopped me is that, why a person will come to this path. We are doing these entire things for the desire of happiness. As one who is coming in this path is for the search of happiness, so if he has that desire for happiness how can he be happy by searching? This point may be debated by saying that wants that are mentioned are only bodily pleasures but not mental then I will state an example. Suppose some one wants to be a collector or a doctor. This is a mental pleasure so what he does is hard work. There is no pleasure in the process. But finally if he doesn’t turn up to be then he will be in a pool of sadness.  Ok, let’s say that one has given up all the desires then why will he have a desire to live. There will be no interest for further growth, no entertainment, no future. Finally he will lose the interest to live and commit suicide.

My above statements may seem to be pessimism but this is how my mind feels. It doesn’t mean that Iam proving that there is no solution for happiness. Neither Iam against to the principles of the above persons.  My search for the ultimate solution for a man to be happy made me to think so.  All that I wanted to try to know is that, are there any anomalies to the fact that “No one will die virgin; everyone is fucked up by life”?


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