Stint of championship
Many a times we feel that for no reason we feel up/down in a day. Sometimes we will be so depressed that we don’t want to do anything similarly at times we feel so high that we behave like the king of the world and act very enthusiastically. Why do people feel so? After so many thoughts and provocation I have come to a conclusion and this article was generated. As said by Malcom Gladwell “ Small things create huge differences”. Our day rather life is decided by a very few things that we cant imagine. One important thing is the stint of championship. Let me state an example, a boy of age 5 is getting ready for his school and by mistake his left leg shoe is interchanged with the right one. While his mother is hurry in packing his food, she noticed his shoes and scolded with a grim face saying that he didn’t know even how to wear shoes at this age also. She gave him a slap and changed the shoes. Her intention was not to frighten him, she had loads of love towards him and her gesture shows her concern towards her offspring. But this small incident could create a huge impact on the little mind. He may feel dull for the whole day or rather he may get into depression if he doesn’t get interesting things in the school. This decreases his efficiency to 30%. Had the same day been started in this way, like her mother noticed him of wearing the shoes in opposite way but approaches him with a nice smile? If she says “So nice of you beta, you are so helpful to mamma by wearing your shoes on your own. I feel very proud of you beta, but from next time remember that this shaped shoe should be worn to the left leg and vice versa” then the effect would be tremendous. He will be all energetic in the whole day and actively participate in the school events. His efficiency my even go up to 120%. In both the cases the incidences are same and finally he wore the shoes properly but the wordings given by his mom gave him a feel of championship. He himself felt that he is a very great person; he is helping his mom a lot.
Generally we find gully cricket in India where we have non text book rules like one bounce catch out, direct hit to the wall out etc. These games are played exclusively for passing time. A normal guy who played a match like that caught a crucial one bounce ball and made the batsman out. Thus lead his team to win. Though this incident seems to be a general one its impact on that person on the rest of the day will be huge. He thinks himself to be great because of the same stint of championship. It doesn’t matter how small it is, the person shall get that stint. He will be in the clouds and subsequently his energy levels and enthusiasm will be very high.

This concept is slightly applied to lovers also. Why do people are so incline to love? Yes, it is again the same stint. When he wins a girl’s heart he feels like hero of the world. Had this is the only reason every love would end with the acceptance of the proposal. The other important thing is the bestowing of love. The affection and care bestowed by the partner creates a sense of championship. That’s why so many are affected by the magic spell of love.
If a person can artificially inject this stint he can live happily in his life and face any sort of problems with ease. In India we can easily see many castes based chauvinist people; they too have this stint. They think that their forefathers are champions and they have this winning streak in their blood. That’s why we can see many people who even after repeated defeats still come into the competition. Rather than their courage and spirit this chauvinism plays a crucial role.
If you are feeling down, all you need to do is to just inject an artificial feeling of championship, the same world looks very beautiful and you will be happy too.