Idiosyncratic View

Idiosyncratic View Budget! Budget! Budget! This has been the buzz word from the newspaper to the class presentation topic. Exactly one year before, I was trying to mug up the facts and figures of last year budget, so as to impress the people on the other side of the table with my just-in-time (JIT) knowledge, in the admissions interview. This year, after getting 9 months of business gyan, my view on budget has gone a paradigm shift. Disclaimer: People say that my thoughts are pessimistic and think in a weird way. What to do, everyone is unique in his own way. This is my way, I ‘ll take you through this way now. Out of recession, huge growth potential, investment in some sectors, financial inclusion, decrease in fiscal deficit, technical advancements, globalization, privatization so on and so forth. But not even a single word on sustainability, environment and welfare. All long we have been short sighted with the stiff competition and urge to grow in the global world. Every other nat...