Death - The ultimate ruler


Death – The most dreaded thing for human being, at the same time one of the valuable gifts
given by the god to mankind. It is one of the limited few that is guaranteed for every animal on
the globe. Many stories, many experiments, lot of scientific research but till now, even with the
most advanced technology, the question is still left unsolved – what happens to the person after
death. Where will the power inside him/her (soul) go to? A slew of questions float on this topic.
Again there is another single word answer for many such unsolved questions. That is GOD.
Name any question that is beyond our modern science reach, we simply answer them saying the
involvement of supernatural powers or GOD. So for time being we can consider GOD to be sole
reason for anyone’s death. It is completely his wish and whim to take anyone’s soul.

Death is the counter part of the birth. Because of which may be the mourning for a person is
always in such a grand way, parallel to that of the birth of a person. No matter how bad the
person is, society mourns for the person. They do remind and appreciate the slightest of the good
things done by him.

Many difficult problems get solved permanently by this single word (Death) and also many
temporary problems rise after this. It is such a thing that everyone feels sorry after that. Complete
creed of Nazism was ended with the death of Adolf Hitler. Ramayan ended with the death of
Ravan. Mahabharat ended with the death of Duryodhana. Many examples can be stated for the
problem solving with death. Even at the society level, many family and corporate problems
would be solved with the death of a person. Had Jinnah died before the partition, India-Partition
wouldn’t have happened. A very big problem would have solved then. Similarly after the death
of the erstwhile CM of AP, Dr. Y S Rajashekhar Reddy, the whole Andhra politics has gone into
turmoil. There was a huge instability in the governance. Similarly the death of Indira Gandhi
because of the operation blue-star caused huge genocide in the country. The consequence of that
incident is felt till today. Many deaths of the bread winners of a family lead to much of financial
crisis in the family. Moreover, the family members lose their morale grounds and face difficulty
to cope up without proper guidance and support. Even history has so many examples stating that
death of a person caused both violence and peace.

Now we are into the society where government is willing to invest crores of rupees to protect
a person before slapping a death penalty or acquittal of that person (Azmal). In the opposite
side, anti-human organisations are spending so much of man hours, effort and money to kill a
prominent person or a group of people. This shows the importance of the life. It is irreversible.

This is similar to a diode where electrons (soul) passes from anode to cathode but cannot come
back by any cost.

As said by one of friends, death is the end for all and beginning for all. Billions have died in the
history of mankind but very few are remembered now. We should aim at increasing the life span
of our name not our life. Though every name is supposed to be forgotten but let’s try to keep our
names written in the pages of history for a longer duration of time.

Knowing so many things about it, let’s stop frightening about the speculated dooms day and
enjoy our lives. Having said that death is an irreversible activity, let’s do our best for ourselves
and for the society so that at least our name will remain immortal.


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