Interest makes you to learn something about it,
Urge to make livelihood makes you to learn something about it,
Society teaches you something people and way of living,
Family and friends teaches you something about culture and tradition.

But there is something else to learn about the things for which you are living.

The above sentence is not as simple as it seems to be. I myself took 23 years to rise this question and dont know after how many years ill get the answer. But still with considerable optimism i am glad that at least i have got the question and sooner or later ill get the answer too. My life has gone through 21 years of rigorous studies which was completely bookish. Moreover the decision to take which stream and the target of my excellence were also predefined. So i had nothing to tickle the grey cells. I was just a robot to grasp the things in the book and vomit the same in the exam. In this process i learnt nothing. Rather i memorized everything. Later on, after stepping into  engineering college, a bit of freedom and tastes were developed. In turn interests were developed which made me to incline to learn about my favorites. This is one of the causes of the knowledge you gain. More or less this is same with everyone.

Similarly we learn a lot of things about a spate of topics. But a few strike the right chord. That is learning about life. Why are we living and why should we live and what are we supposed to do. Nowhere it is mandatory to learn about these things nor our life cycles doesn't compel to understand this. However, it is the mother of all. After completing the education, all are busy in the cat race to grab the job and fulfill their wishes. After that they try to fulfill the wishes of their relatives. Finally till the death, all are engaged in the cat race. It means before knowing the purpose and proper way of life all are completing their lives. Isnt look ridiculous? Yes it is, it is simply like this. We are playing the guitar with six strings. We are happy with the sound that we produce. But the basic fact that we forget is the tensioning the strings. If we spare some time to do it, the sound will be soothing and ravishing.

Probable answers that i collect:
I tried to collect the answers from the elders, many say that try to keep up your verisimilitude . Some other say that 


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